Wednesday, June 6, 2012

New Inspiration

It has been five weeks since I last posted an entry, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been writing or using the creativity that God has given me. Over the past several months, I have felt a conviction to shift my focus away from grief. To accomplish that goal, I have stopped reading the blogs of many gifted widowed writers. I struggled with that decision at first and felt like I was abandoning some new friends I had made; as I often would leave messages of encouragement and they would do the same for me at times. Being part of a like-minded community was a great blessing as I related to the sharing of each unique journey.

But now that I have reached the three year mark since Buck’s home-going, I sensed that God was directing me away for my own good. To the friends I no longer “follow”: I miss you and hope you understand. I must do what I sense God is directing me to do. I pray for you when you come to mind.  I know you are going to be alright as long as you are clinging to and depending on the Lord to guide, comfort and sustain you. He is always faithful and I believe He has a special place in His heart for widows. He carried me for a very long time.

Although I still miss Buck terribly, the memories don’t have the same impact. I’m thankful that I’m coping better and the adjustment to life without my soul mate continues to be hard but is getting easier. God is healing my heart little by little as the seasons come and go.

I have been working towards being a better writer by reading books to build and polish my skills. I’m enjoying my new focus and I’m feeling better emotionally thanks to my new focal point. It has been a healthy distraction and I am thankful for the improvement in my emotional well being.

I have also been stretched thanks to the writers and artists groups at my church. God is using our arts director and the other group leadership to inspire me in refreshing new ways and opening me up to a whole new way of thinking about my creativity. DeAnn, our arts director, often reminds us that we all (that means you too) are creative because we are made in God’s image. I really like something she said recently. The gist was: to say we aren’t creative is like saying we aren’t alive. I'm so thankful that we worship a God who wants to connect with us through our creativity and His inspiration. I  am starting to feel more alive thanks to this personal communication with the Lord and the way God is using deAnn to inspire us.

I hope to share my new writing pieces and artwork that have come forth recently. I am excited about the new direction my writing and art are taking and I hope you feel it is worth your time to read and view what I am inspired to share. Thank you for continuing to accompany me as I move forward on my “Tandem Journey”.


  1. Hello Renee. I am glad that you are able to move on in a different direction now. I am not there yet and it may take me awhile since I have layers of grief with the loss of my husband, mom, and dad all within 4 months' time. But, I will be most happy to read all the new things you write and to see your art.

    1. Hi Candy. You are one of the writers that I miss the most. I hope your beautiful writing will continue to be therapeutic in your healing process and will bless you as it blesses those you minister to by your sharing. I really appreciate your willingness to read my work as I endeavor to move forward, bit by bit.Thank you for keeping in touch. You always bless me with your encouragement and kindness.

  2. I am still following, Renee'. I love to read whatever you write. Thanking God for your new focus. Love you. ~ Tess LaFrance

    1. Many thanks to you, Tess! I hope you and yours have a wonderful summer. Hugs, Renee'
